Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nzulezu River Ghana

Below is a photofrom the official SAS website.  Jess is with some students exploring the Nzulezu River in Ghana.

Students explore the Nzulezu Water Village in canoes. Photo by Danny Askew, Unreasonable Media.

Students explore the Nzulezu Water Village in canoes. Photo by Danny

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Approaching Africa

Jess has left Mauritius and is now heading to South Africa. Jess responded to my email where I told her that I would be out of touch for a period of time.


Jess, I will be hard to get a hold of for the next several days. I am heading to Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Shenzhen. You will be in South Africa. Mom will be in IA.



Thank you for the deposit. Unfortunately, I will have to buy a new camera in South Africa because while on a boat in Mauritius a giant wave hit and destroyed mine. Luckily we will be in South Africa instead of Ghana or somewhere--I think I am going to look for a waterproof one- that way I can take pictures while shark cage diving.

Tomorrow I will be twisting balloons at a children's hospital which was set up by Desmond Tutu.

Have fun in China, I don't envy you....or mom.


Signed: The Grouch


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Neptune Day

The MV Explorer crosses the equator the first time during this voyage.   This is a reason to party.  The passengers celebrated Neptune Day.   Below is from the official SAS web site.  In "Where is Waldo" tradition, Jess can be spotted in one of the photos.

Signed:  The Grouch

Photo Gallery: Neptune Day

In a time-honored maritime tradition, the shipboard community celebrated Neptune Day as we crossed the Equator for the first time. Uninitiated “Pollywogs” completed a series of ceremonial rites of passage as they begged King Neptune, Lord of the Seas, to grant them passage to the Southern Oceans and give them official status as “Shellbacks.” The majority of students, faculty, and staff voluntarily joined the initiation festivities.
All photos by Danny Askew, Unreasonable Media.

Crew members parade through the hallways with drums, whistles, and cymbals, giving everyone on board a special early morning wake-up call in honor of Neptune Day.

The crew parade climbs the stairs to Deck 6 after completing their (noisy) rounds through all of the residential hallways.

King Neptune’s army marches across Deck 7.

Professor Ed Sobey kicks off the Neptune Day ceremonies as he introduces King Neptune’s court.

King Neptune (a.k.a. Captain Jeremy Kingston) arrives to preside over the ceremonies as the “Pollywogs” get promoted to “Shellbacks.”

Some crew members play a practical joke on the “pollywog” crew members standing below who thought they were just posing for a picture together on deck 7, but ended up getting doused with “fish guts.”

Lisa Marshall gets “fish guts” poured over her head as part of the initiation ceremony.

After shaving his head, getting doused with “fish guts” and jumping in the pool, Stephen Brown (University of Dayton) shows his respect to the sea by kissing a fish.

Student, Sarah Cady, kisses King Neptune’s ring.

Newly bald Greg Colquitt (Clemson University) smiles as the final few tufts of hair are shaved off. A fair number of students voluntarily opted to have their heads shaved in honor of their new status as “Shellbacks.”

Jordan Loewe (University of Alaska Anchorage) waits nervously as her long brown hair gets shaved off.

The shipboard community gathers around the pool to celebrate Neptune Day.

Remnants of the head shaving ritual litter the starboard side of Deck 7. Anyone who had more than eight inches of hair shaved off were able to donate it to an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Arrival in Cochin, India

Jess arrived in Cochin, India to celebrate her birthday.   She was anxious to tour Agra to see the Taj Mahal.   Unfortantely her friend was not able to join her due to class schedules.   She apparently has gotten some additional responsibility related to the "Balloon Club."  Below is her email to me.

Hi Dad,

So you probably talked to mom and I'm really sorry to do this to you, but I need your input/help for India again.

So when you booked me the flight my intention was to go with Jordan, but 8:00 p.m. is too early for him because he has a field lab for a class/he may not got to Delhi at all. That said I was told by everyone that traveling alone in India is not good,  Especially being a girl getting there at 11:00 at night with no hotel. I'm only expressing this concern because I've heard multiple horror stories. My friend Kelly, who is on the ship, has a friend who was kidnnapped in India when she took a cab alone and was held for ransom for 2 days.

I'm not trying to be dramatic, but everyone I have talked to has said that India is one if not the worst place to travel alone in out of all of the ports. That said, if there is any way you could help me either a) help me get a hotel room near the airport or b) if it is possible to cancel the flight - there is plenty to do in southern India, by Cochin.

I would love to see the Taj Mahal and northern India, but I would only have one day and transportation is terrible so what do you think I should do?

Thank you. I'm so sorry to be a pain in the butt, I know you already booked the flight- but I was hoping to go with Jordan. I want to experience all of India, but would also a) like to see the country without being rushed through everything and b) don't want to die.

Also If the flight cant be cancelled, I am going it is only a matter of seeing if there is a hotel/ maybe getting in earlier when it is a little safer since i wil be alone/ getting a later one that Jordan could get on.


Jessica L. Coder
VP of Balloon Club, Spring 2013 Voyage, Semester at Sea
She will be exploring Southern India around Cochin and not traveling to Agra. We have heard Southern India is is a lovely part of the world.   Perhaps we will do a family trip to Agra to see the Taj Mahal.

Signed:  The Grouch

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Life at Sea

The below paragraph and link are from the official SAS website.   This is a brief video from last fall's voyage of what life is like for the semester.   I hope you enjoy it.


"Have you ever wondered what it is like to sail on Semester at Sea?  How do classes work? What are cabins like? Where do you  eat? Is there a place to study? How does the community form on the ship?  Watch this informative video to get a glimpse into what life is really like life onboard the MV Explorer, the most unique college campus in the world. Filmed in beautiful time-lapse over the Fall 2012 voyage, follow the journey of students, faculty, staff, lifelong learners and the crew as they embark on a journey around the world."    http://vimeo.com/60493174

Signed:  The Grouch

Friday, March 1, 2013


I just received word that Jess has departed Burma and received the below email:

"Hi dad, I am leaving Burma today. I had a really good time. Our group hired a tour guide while we were there and it was a good idea because he took me everywhere i wanted to go. We went to remote villages which comprises of 5 stick huts together, we went to 2 orphanages, and I went to an elephant camp and got to ride them. We also saw that shewdagon pagoda in Yangoon. It has been one of my favorite ports even though it is 100 degrees, lots of stray dogs, and its kind of stinky."

Once photos are received (it could be in April) I will share.

Signed:  The Grouch

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reflections on Vietnam & Cambodia and Field Lab in Hong Kong

We are not getting much word from Jess.   We are assuming that she is having a wonderful experience and does not have time to send updates or is simply having technology problems.   Below is a link from SAS Official site regarding Student Reflections on Vietnam and Cambodia, and Field Lab in Hong Kong.   It taks a little time to load.   Please be patient.  I hope you enjoy it.


Signed:   The Grouch