Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In Port at Hilo

Jess arrived in Hilo yesterday as expected.  What was not expected was my receiving a call from her.   The call went something like this:

Grouch:  How is the trip going so far?
Jess:  Dad, I really don't feel well.   I got seasick the first day really bad.  A lot of other kids did too.   They got over it.  I didn't.    The infirmary suggested I come down for a test....a pregnancy test.   It was positive.
Grouch:  I don't believe you.
Jess:  Why don't you believe me!  Laughing and thinking she is clever, why not?   I thought I was doing a wonderful acting job.
Grouch:  I deal with people trying to BS me all day long.   You're going to have to do a lot better than that.

(Later she tried the same stunt on T.   She didn't buy it either.)  

She did not get seasick yet.   She had just arrived at port and not gotten off the Explorer yet.   She is very excited.   I asked her if she had met Desmond Tutu yet.  "Oh yes, he is such a cute little old man".   She is meeting a lot of very ambitious people.  Serious people with serious expectations.  She feels this will be a "life changing event."   Her mother and I hope so.

Her other quote was that she had only been at sea six days and already feels like a pirate.   Perhaps I need to adjust my expectations for her.

Signed:  The Grouch

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